New Fiction, Spiritual Non Fiction, Childrens Books, Short Stories, and Poetry Collections
Ann Hughes

Andrea Hughes also (pen name)Ann Hughes
Andrea pen name (Ann Hughes) is an award winning author. She loves to write in several genres from Fiction to short stories. She was named to Covington's Who's Who of American Educators. She has been an educator and writer for over 20 years. Her writing includes poetry, songs ,fiction, screenplays, children’s plays and stories, inspirational/spiritual, and non fiction. She is the mother of five children and 11 grandchildren. She lives with her husband, three cats, three horses, and a dog, in Bluffdale Utah. Her other interests include composing on the piano and the guitar, traveling, film-making, horses, cats, and thinking. You can visit her on her blog “Aimhighbooksann”.or her Email at wiseowlpro@aol.com